Friday, October 8, 2010

Growing Up.

I have come to a relization that this baby boy...

is not so much a baby anymore. I know that I have to admit to myself that he is not a baby anymore, but I seriously don't want that to happen. Jason and I want to try to get D into the academy. From what tI hear, it is a great school with great scores...

That's not what this post is about though. This post is about D starting Kindergarten in less than ONE year. Jason and I drove by Nola Dunn last night, and it hit me like a rock. My baby boy is going to be walking through those great big halls all by himself. I am not going to be just down the hall from him anymore. I am not going to be seeing him throughout the day, when he walks by my classroom.

He is going to be in that great big school. I just pictured him when he first started to walk...walking thought these huge gigantic hallways.

Then this morning, I was going through his Pre-K folder, getting all of his work out and I see this...

I'm not sure if you can tell, but he traced in pencil over the highlighter.
He is writing his name, and coloring in the lines, writing numbers.... Ahhh! As proud of a mommy I am of him, this hit me too. He is getting so big.

He went from this...

To this...
In like a week.... Really!

I am certainly head over heels for this child and might just keep him home with me forever... I don't see myself doing very good on his first day of school... or second... or third..........

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