Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Since November 11th...

Apparently I'm a bad blogger.... I've kinda put the 'ol blog on the back burner and forgotten about it. Now, I'm not quite as bad as Jessy Twenty-Something.... (now THIRTY something.), but I was reminded by my friend, Lauren that I should probably blog more often. :)

So, Quite a bit has happened since my last blog... even more since my last blog that had a point to it....

Lets see....

Brita turned 4 months...
I totally FAILED and did not take a 4 month picture in her chair.... Sorry.

We had Family pictures done.
Pictures by Sarah Carlson Photography
Ran in the Rock N Roll San Antonio with TEAM DENVER
Thanksgiving. It was fun times, and we ate a lot.
LOVE this picture!
Can't you see his LOVE of life in these pictures? He is {usually} such a happy guy.
This is what Brita did at her first Thanksgiving.
Christmas stuff goes up on the house... as does Denver. (EEEEK!!!)

Credit Fraud actually happened to ME.... YES! And they spent $707.50 at Swarovski Crystal... (I was a bit PEEVED...) But, we got everything back, and all is good now.

Brita turned 5 months. She is a fatty. She is SOOO stinkin' sweet too. Loves to laugh, loves to EAT and loves to play. She is sitting up like a big girl now, however doesn't last a real long time before she gets scared and falls over.
So, thats my last month and a half in a nutshell..... I'll be back....Soon?

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