This post is for my very god friend Jessica Lei Brown who just so happened to get engaged to a very nice young chap. Congratulations Jessy Poo. I love you sooo much. You are my best friend and I am so glad that we have been through
EVERYTHING together...And there is so much more that our future holds!
A few pictures from our celebration from this weekend!

AWWWWWEEEE!!! I love you so much my Katy Bear! I feel so blessed and honored that you will be standing up there with me when we say our vows. I could not have asked the Lord for a better friend and sister in Him. I just love you more with each passing year! I look foward to all our life milestones we will share together...
I hate sore throats. Loved my surprise today :) Just laying in bed listening to David Cook's version of "Always Be My Baby" Love that boy
nice young chap????? lol!!!!!! who yalks like that? :O) jk Katy you know i'm just playin w you!! i love you!! and yes we def need to plan our girl movie hang out night!! maybe we can even do it at my new house!!!! theres plenty of room for all us and Denver!!
Thanks for coming up to the hospital you sweet friend.
hahaha I love that last picture! It was good to see you the other day Katy. I can't wait for the wedding celebrations to start. I'm excited about our girl and her boy :-)
Awe...I love you guys. And I love B too! Can we say bachelorette party in the big easy??? (you know that's New Orleans, right??) Talked to my Mum to day and she and Papa said (and I quote) "BRING IT"!!! You know Mum will be out partying with all of us girls :)
This is seriously old need a new post...and we need some katy/jessy time...see you Sat. if not before then
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