Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Dear Friend:

Each Tuesday at work all of the teachers and leaders I work with meet together for a quick meeting. We go over a few important topics and then have a quick devotional - and then ask for prayer request.
Tuesday of last week one of the ladies mentioned how so many people are hurting - or struggling. Many of the teachers themselves, and many of the parents of the children that are in our program. It got me thinking - even if we don't know the situation... or know if a person is hurting or struggling - we should always pray for them. because you never know what they could be going through.

This letter is to those of you that are struggling. Hurting. Hiding. I may know, or I may not... but I'm praying for you.... and this is to you.

Dear Friend,

You may not know this, but I know you're struggling. I can see it in your eyes, and your crestfallen smile. You may try to put on an amour of strength... but I know your heart - I know that you are going through a lot right now, and that you may think nobody understands..... That may be the case, but you're NOT alone. You are loved, and my friend... I am praying for you.

I know this time may be hard on you and I know that you may think that you can't talk to people because of what they may think, or say.... but the only thinking that matters is that God is in control. You are His child and he has you protected in His mighty grip.

Don't turn your back on God, and don't blame Him for any of this. No matter what, you're forgiven. Thats the great thing about our God. And no matter what, you're protected, loved, cherished and so much more by our God. Go'ds plan for your life is so much bigger than you could ever imagine. He wants so much for you... He loves you so much and would NEVER put you through something you couldn't handle. He gives you that strength, and friend, use it! The will of God will NEVER take you places where the grace of God will not protect you.

I love you friend, and know that I am your should to cry on, your wall to talk to and your punching bag to... um, yell at. :-)

You are so strong and I kow that you can make it through anything.

Be sstrong and coragious. Follow God, and you will be ok.

With all of my love and prayers,


p.s. this is the best version I could find of this video, but it is an awesome song and has helped me through my hard times.

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