But no, Next in Line, Please. Oh, so sweet. This past Friday was the busiest shopping day of the saeason or "Black Friday" Karen a friend of ours and I decided to brave it. However our day did not start at 4 or 5 am, nor did it start at the local Best Buy, Target or Khols. We left Burleson at 9:00 pm heading strait for San Marcos for MIDNIGHT MADNESS.
Home of the TWO (yes TWO) best outlet centers EVER! SOOOOOO many stores, and great sales even in the middle of the summer.
Why you may ask? Well, Pottery Barn, Banana Republic, Puma and many more were 40% off the entire store from 12 am to 8 am. Sure, we thought it 'might' be busy. But it is ok, the sales will be worth it. We had great timeing. (we thought) We got to our exit at 5 till 12. PERFECT, right? Not so much... We sat in the exit lane, then on a back road (becasue the police were makeing us go that way due to the heavy traffic)then back on the access road for 45 minutes. We were so cose, we could smell the sales but could not get there. We finally arrived, found a parking spot and headed to the stores. The first store we came upon that we wanted to go in was Puma. WHOA! The store was at capacity and they were not letting anyone else in. The line for the store was out the door and down the sidewalk.
We were only going to go into the stores that we were "commited" to. If we didn't think we would buy something, we would not go in. That was firm! So the next store we came upon that we thought we would definately buy something was Old Navy. I mean Old Navy outlet prices? You can't pass that up! We went in, I had made my way to the back of the store, just looking at thing ands saw a line. "Wow" I thought. "Thats a long line for the dressing rooms. It is a good thing I will not be going in there"
HA! No, the line that went from the front of the store to the back of the store and back around to the front...that was the line to check out.
We were outta there.
It was only that way in the stores we wanted to go in, of course. The Coach outlet did not open till 6 am and there was already a line forming at 3:30. The line for the Sony outlet went around the corner. By about 3 or 4 am we were still shopping but the crowd was dying gown. We did wait in line for about 45 minutes at Pottery Barn (it was TOTALLY WORTH IT!)
We went back to Banana Republic at about 5 am and the line was shorter, we only had to wait about 20 minutes....HA!
Anyway, Next in Line, Please, did become music to my ears while waiting in those long lines. It was fun, interesting, annoying and fullfilling all in one.
Will I do it again next year? Maybe, if I do I will be sure to get there a little later, say 3 or 4 in the moring. But those sales were pretty good!!!!!

SO...I missed out on some good sales, huh? Wanna know what I was doing??? S L E E P I N G...guess the early bird does really get the worm!!! :0
dude, i thought you were "totally finished" christmas shopping!! lol! that is a great story of a true die hard sale shopper experience!! :O) love you Katy, i hope ya'll had a great thanksgiving and we need to plan our little girl christmas movie watching party!!! :O)
You are a die-hard shopper!!!!
New post Helloooooo!!!! You need a Christmas post!
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