Tuesday, January 18, 2011

6 Months!

ok, six months and 2 weeks. I'm a little behinnd on the "posting-the-monthy-baby-post-in-the-same-chair" post... Sorry. We were in Disney World on her 6th month birthday, and I am just now getting around to unpacking... if that tells you anything about how things go around this house.

I did take a picture of her though... (ok, ok... it was when she was 6 months and 6 days....) GEESH!

I am home today becuase my sweet 6 month old woke up with a 101.1 fever. A Horrible cough, and the saddest sick cry ever. I tell you, it is a sad little cry.
By any means, my baby girl is 6 months old. That is half way through her first year. I can't beleive it really. Here is her 6 month picture. Do Enjoy!

The last 2 are dark... but cute, so I had to add them... :) Happy Day to you!

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